
Jan 3




World Export Development Forum, 15-17 September 2014, Kigali, Rwanda – Registration now open

World Export Development Forum, 15-17 September 2014, Kigali, Rwanda – Registration now open 

Join 500 business leaders and policymakers and learn about the latest trends and best practices in increasing the competitiveness of SMEs as a conduit for trade-led development.
The World Export Development Forum (WEDF), organized by the International Trade Centre (ITC), provides an issue-focused setting to gain practical understanding in trade competitiveness. It also provides unparalleled opportunities for business operators to network and meet with potential partners. WEDF is dedicated to the development of SMEs.

Increased participation of SMEs in regional and global trade leads to improved livelihoods for a large segment of the population, including for women and youth. SMEs’ contribution to job creation in developing countries is thus essential. Given their role in providing decent employment, supporting economic growth and reducing poverty, SMEs must play a central part in the global development framework.

The full conference programme is available at www.intracen.org/itc/events/wedf/2014/programme/.

Online registration is open at www.intracen.org/itc/events/wedf/2014/registration/ .