A bedrock of EIF's work with LDCs is the monitoring and evaluation of the partnership and results. EIF's fresh Theory of Change and outcomes-based efforts aim at empowering LDCs to integrate into global trade networks, and in doing so help to reduce poverty and support sustainable development.
Standard indicators are in place that span the countries where we work, and the collected data looks at trade integration in policy, agricultural production increases, new international markets accessed and more.
*** Accountability and transparency are central to our work, and EIF publications and guidelines, and EIF's contribution to The International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) are publicly available. ***

countries have integrated trade into their national development plans, with 37 countries receiving EIF support

of EIF productive capacity beneficiaries are women

$143 million
in co-financing leveraged from government, development partners, and private sector

$1 billion
exports directly generated through EIF interventions
Outcomes on the Ground

Striving to take the local handicrafts of northern Lao PDR global

Luring honey profits in Ethiopia

Vanuatu leading Pacific in digitising customs and biosecurity clearance