Mar 24
Digital Event
Promoting sustainable recovery and economic resilience in LDCs: The contribution of Aid for Trade
09:30-11:00 (CET)
Wednesday, 24 March 2021
Register here
The COVID-19 crisis had an immediate negative impact on the budgetary capacities of LDCs to provide a socio-economic response to the effects of the pandemic. The pandemic has created a deep economic crisis in LDCs, which have suffered heavy losses of income, particularly due to the fall in trade flows and capital flight. Many LDCs are now struggling to meet their external debt burden, potentially exposing them to the risk of sovereign default. The COVID-19 crisis demonstrates more than ever the need to accelerate the structural transformation of LDC economies so that they become more robust to such crises. The purpose of this session is to discuss the promotion of sustainable recovery in LDCs and their economic resilience through the mobilization of Aid for Trade.
Strengthening industrialization and diversification of production in LDCs
Improving trade facilitation in LDCs' and their integration into regional and global value chains
Developing MSMEs and entrepreneurship among women and youth
Developing digital connectivity in LDCs and their capacity to engage in e-commerce
Jean-Marie Paugam – Ambassador, Permanent Representative of France to the WTO
- Leila Baghdadi – WTO Chair Holder and Professor of International Economics, ESSECT University of Tunis.
- Charlemagne Igue – WTO Chair Holder and Professor of Economics, WCP Abomey-Calavi University (Benin)
- Antonio Nucifora – Lead Economist for Brazil, World Bank Group
- Henri Monceau – Director, Economic and digital Francophonie Directorate, Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)
- Song Wei – Deputy Director of the Institute for International Development Cooperation, Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation (CAITEC)
- Liz Fajber – Deputy Director, Trade for Development at the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office / Department for International Trade (DIT)