
Sep 11




Making trade part of the solution: Climate change in the LDCs

Time: 17:00-18:15

Location: Room S3, World Trade Organization


As climate change becomes more prominent it is critical that trade considerations are worked into minimising costs and finding solutions. For the world's Least Developed Countries (LDCs), which are among the world's most affected countries, the first step to finding solutions is exploring where and how to intervene, to influence policy, institutions, methods of production, and international exchanges. This session will bring together experience from LDCs and international partners in finding solutions to the impact of climate change on trade. It will share key elements from a recent tool developed to assist countries in finding these first entry points. Complimenting these new tools, the session will share practical lessons and results in how to make trade green, from how countries have assessed climate dimensions of trade, through to investments in Aid for Trade for a greener future.