
Jul 3


Digital Event


Leveraging Pacific Regionalism to Support Economic Recovery and Resilience

08:00-09:30 (CET)

Wednesday, 24 March 2021



Register to session here


The Pacific, geographically remote and dispersed region, is an insightful case study on the value of regional cooperation and coordination in helping to balance the need to continue open and transparent trade, with the reality of increased control measures, temporary staff disruptions and restrictions on human contact. This session will explore regional Aid for Trade approaches in supporting pathways for longer term inclusive economic recovery and resilience in the Pacific, with a particular focus on: private sector resilience; open markets and supply chains; revitalising export markets; accessing finance for trade and investment; and skills development and job creation, including for women. Themes to be explored in the discussions will include: implementation of the Pacific Aid for Trade Strategy 2020-2025; effective partnerships, donor coordination, and resource mobilization; entry into force of the regional trade and development agreement PACER Plus; digitization of trade facilitation processes and other regional trade facilitation approaches and innovations; e-commerce policy development and targeted capacity-building; increased resilience through regional quality infrastructure; and labour mobility initiatives.