Mar 8
Digital Event
Empowering women to trade green
10:30-11:45 (CET)
Tuesday, 8 March 2022
Register here
Join the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) and the World Trade Organization in celebrating this year's International Women's Day!
As the EIF celebrates the third anniversary of its Empower Women, Power Trade Initiative, we also recognise that the climate crisis is accelerating faster and is more severe than previously anticipated. We are convening a panel of experts to discuss how we can work together to empower women to drive sustainable change and environmentally sensitive economic growth. This will be a free-flowing discussion providing an opportunity for panellists to share how we can improve economic outcomes for women while protecting our planet.
The session will be moderated by Ms. Annette Ssemuwemba, Deputy Executive Director, EIF Executive Secretariat at the WTO.
Ms. Anoush Der Boghossian, Head of Trade and Gender Unit, World trade Organization (WTO)
Ms. Molly Olsen, CEO, Fairtrade Australia and New Zealand
Dr Laetitia Pettinotti, Senior Research Officer, Oversea Development Institute
Dr Workneh Ayalew, Programme Coordinator, International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE)
Ms. Toaiga Semisi, Assistant Trade Officer, Ministry of Fisheries and Trade, Government of Tuvalu
- Ms. Charlenne Onyango-Obbo, Senior Manager of Operations and Compliance, Clean Cooking Alliance
Hosted by the Enhanced Integrated Framework and the World Trade Organization.