
Oct 23




The Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF): A partnership at work for the development of productive capacities in Least Developed Countries (LDCs). Examples from the ground and the Benin project

Ministerial Conference on New Partnerships for Productive Capacity Building

Cotonou, Benin, 28-31 July 2014


The Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF): A partnership at work for the development of productive capacities in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) 

Examples from the ground and the Benin project 

Monday, 28 July, 18:00-19:30

Palais des Congrès de Cotonou



The Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) is a unique example of a global partnership among Least Developed countries (LDCs), Development Partners and international agencies, which supports the LDCs to be more active players in the global trading system by helping them tackle supply‑side constraints to trade. Today, the programme works in 46 LDCs and 3 recently graduated countries.

The programme focuses on mainstreaming trade into national development strategies, supporting the establishment of national structures for the efficient coordination of Trade‑related Technical Assistance (TRTA) and strengthening the LDCs' capacity to produce export‑oriented value‑added products and services in a competitive manner. It thus aims to contribute to growth, job creation and ultimately poverty reduction in the poorest areas of the world and support the implementation of the Istanbul Plan of Action.

EIF-sponsored Diagnostic Trade Integration Studies (DTISs) allow countries to identify the sectors of greatest growth and/or export potential as well as constraints to competitiveness and supply chain weaknesses. While EIF Tier 1 projects focus on building human resources and institutional capacities through TRTA; EIF Tier 2 projects focus on building trade‑related and supply‑side capacities in the sectors identified as priority by the DTIS Action Matrices. The programme is reaching the end of its first phase and is undergoing a comprehensive evaluation that will allow the partnership to make a decision on its future and shape. 

The development of productive capacities is at the core of the EIF's mission. Therefore, in collaboration with the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Small and Medium Enterprises of the Republic of Benin, the EIF intends to organize a high‑level panel discussion titled The Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF): A partnership at work for the development of productive capacities in Least Developed Countries (LDCs) on the sidelines of the Ministerial Conference on New Partnerships for Productive Capacity Building to be held in Cotonou, Benin.


The event will provide an opportunity for LDCs, international agencies and partners to take stock of the different experiences and progresses at country and global levels and to discuss lessons from the ground and perspectives for the future, also in light of the ongoing debate on the global development agenda beyond 2015. 

During the event, the main elements of the Tier 2 project on Strengthening of Productive and Trade Capacities of Benin, ready to be rolled out with the support of ITC, UNCTAD and UNIDO, will also be presented.  

The project intends to contribute to poverty reduction by strengthening the export supply capacity through:

  • Capacity building for the formulation and implementation of industrial policies and strategies aimed at developing and promoting competitive value chains in priority sectors;
  • Strengthening the institutional capacity of trade support organization targeting productive and export capacity building for manufacturing companies, as well as TBT and SPS standards compliance; and
  • Supporting the promotion, restructuring and competitiveness enhancement for enterprises in priority sectors with high employment and export potential.

The project focuses on cotton, agro-industries and fisheries – three priorities identified in Benin's DTIS.


The event will be presided over by H.E. Ms Naomie Azaria Honhouih, Minister of Industry, Commerce and Small and Medium Enterprises, Republic of Benin.

Panellists will include:

  • H.E. Mr Axel Marcel Addy, Minister of Commerce and Industry, Republic of Liberia;
  • H.E. Mr Aziz Mahamat Saleh, Minister of Economy, Trade and Tourism Development, Republic of Chad;
  • Dr Mukhisa Kituyi, Secretary-General, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (tbc);
  • Ms Arancha González, Executive Director, International Trade Centre;
  • Mr Ratnakar Adhikari, Executive Director, Executive Secretariat for the EIF; and
  • Other high-level representatives from EIF Countries, Partner Agencies and Donors (tbc).
Date and venue

Monday, 28 July, 18:00-19:30, Palais des Congrès de Cotonou.

Room: tbd