Sep 15
Environmental Sustainability: Uncovering key lessons from the least developed countries (LDCs) and priority actions moving forward
Time: 12:30-13:45
Location: Room E, World Trade Organization
Register for the session here by 17 August
Climate change is one of the critical issues of our time. The climate crisis is particularly pressing for the least developed countries (LDCs), which have made a minimal contribution, yet are bearing the brunt of its impact. Creating a greener and more sustainable future is a smart approach to ensure sustainable development for the LDCs. The relationship between environmental sustainability and poverty reduction is becoming clearer. Accordingly, some LDCs have provided good examples on how environmental issues could be addressed concurrently with a focus on sustainable economic growth that responds to their developmental objectives, particularly on reducing poverty.
A healthy environment and climate are key for economic growth. The well-being of the least developed countries (LDCs) is often linked to the state of the natural environment and the economic opportunities it provides. Interconnected environmental issues have continued to worsen globally, most notably climate change, with important implications on LDC economies and livelihoods.
This session will uncover key lessons from the LDCs and development partners in responding to environmental concerns and improving LDC economies through trade. Strategic views will be shared on the catalytic impact of trade-related technical assistance, including through the Enhanced Integrated Framework, in responding to LDC efforts towards green trade.
The objectives of this session are to:
- Enable strategic cross-learning amongst the LDCs on their unique experiences in responding to environmental concerns and simultaneously improving their economies through green trade.
- Outline priority actions in supporting LDC efforts in green trade.
The session will address questions on how trade-related technical assistance plays a role in creating a greener and more sustainable future. It will also seek to uncover the unique experiences from LDC participants to inform future actions and inclusive policies towards greener trade.
Moderator: Ambassador Muhammadou M.O. Kah, Permanent Representative of the Republic of The Gambia to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva
- Ambassador Mere Falemaka – Permanent Representative of the Pacific Islands Forum to the United Nations, World Trade Organization, and other international organizations in Geneva
- Dr Ratnakar Adhikari – Executive Director, Executive Secretariat for the Enhanced Integrated Framework
- Ms Juneyoung Lee – Legal Affairs Officer, Trade and Environment Division, World Trade Organization
- Ms Seeta Giri – Founder, Mountain Crafts