
Jul 3




The EIF's role in catalyzing LDC graduation: lessons from the field

The EIF's role in catalyzing LDC graduation: lessons from the field


Organizers: Executive Secretariat for the EIF, Commonwealth Secretariat and the Governments of Cabo Verde, Maldives and Samoa


28 May 2016, 8.15-9.45 a.m., Adriatic III, Hotel Titanic Belek


Event programme:


Moderator:  H.E. Ms Yvette Stevens, Ambassador and Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Republic of Sierra Leone in Geneva and EIF Board Chair


Presenters: Country case studies – Graduated LDCs


  • Mr Amilcar Aristides Monteiro, Director General of Industry and Commerce, Ministry of Economy, Cabo Verde
  • Mr Justin Lima, Principal Foreign Service Officer, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Samoa
  • Mr Yusuf Riza, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Economic Development, Maldives




  • Ms Jodie Keane, Economic Advisor, Trade Division, Commonwealth Secretariat
  • Ms. Daniela Zehentner-Capell, Head of Division, Trade Related Development Cooperation, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), Germany
  • Mr Dan Gay, Inter-regional Adviser on Least Developed Countries, Development Policy and Analysis Division, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN-DESA)
  • Professor Mehmet Arda, International Relations and Economics, Galatasaray University
  • Mr Skalar Boštjan, Chief Executive Officer, World Association of Investment Promotion Agencies (WAIPA)


Question and Answer



The Enhanced Integrated Framework's (EIF) central role in supporting the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) to become more active players in the global trading system through the promotion of economic growth and sustainable development and the eradication of poverty is vital in assisting the LDCs that aspire to graduate from the LDC status. With EIF technical, institutional and financial support to trade development priorities, the LDCs have the means to secure sustained economic growth, work towards ending poverty and achieve other Sustainable Development Goals. Support to the LDCs in the graduation frontline is also available to help manage and "own" their graduation process through the preparation of a transition graduation strategy, national post-graduation work plans and conducive policies to achieve sustainable development. The LDCs that have graduated, i.e., Cabo Verde, Maldives and Samoa, have been benefiting from predictable post-graduation support from the EIF and will feature as case studies. The side event will focus on the countries' graduation path, how the EIF has supported their graduation and post-graduation priorities through trade and highlight good practices and lessons learnt, together with challenges and emerging issues.