Mar 14
UNCTAD with the support of the EIF held an LDC Ministerial Working Breakfast on the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF). The Ministerial Breakfast bringing together Government Ministers of Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and EIF Partner Agencies was opened by UNCTAD's Secretary General, Mr. Supachai Panitchpakdi. Its focus was on the theme of "Integrating Trade into National Development Strategies: Accelerating Delivery of Results in the New Global Economic Landscape".
See the event statements of the WTO Director General, Mr. Pascal Lamy and H. E. Mr. Kebba S. Touray, the Minister of Trade Industry, Regional Integration and Employment, The Gambia and the Summary of the Special Event.
For more information, visit the UNCTAD XIII website
The EIF also participated in a Special Event hosted by Comoros which focused on Vision 2015 in preparation of a Donor Round Table on Aid for Trade to be held later in the year. Read the EIF Executive Director's statement in Session II on Aid for Trade Strategy: Utilizing EIF Opportunities for Comoros to integrate into the multilateral trading system