Mar 14
EIF at the 2014 WTO Public Forum
EIF at the 2014 WTO Public Forum
Why trade matters to everyone
1-3 October 2014
Trade and People Fair
"Trade lifting people out of poverty" showcasing products, in particular, honey and bee/honey products from Yemen and Zambia, coffee from Burundi, and handicrafts and garments from Lao PDR.
WTO Atrium, 1-3 October 2014
EIF Working session
The EIF: A partnership making trade work for LDCs
WTO Public Forum 2014
Friday, 3 October 2014
14.00-16.00, Room D
Draft agenda
Moderator: Mr Ratnakar Adhikari
Executive Director, Executive Secretariat for the EIF
14:00- 14:20
Welcome and introductory remarks
H.E. Ms Païvi Kairamo, Chair of EIF Steering Committee H.E. Mr Menelik Alemu Getahun, Chair of the EIF Board Ms Ursula Hönich, European Union |
14:20-14:50 |
Leveraging donor coordination and building trade and productive capacity in Burundi and Lao PDR.
Mr Augustin Manirakiza, Communication, Marketing and Promotion officer, InterCafé Burundi. Mr Léonard Ntibagirirwa, EIF National Coordinator, Burundi
Mr Sengphanomchone Inthasane, Director of foreign Aid Division, Ministry of Industry and Commerce and EIF National Coordinator, Lao PDR Ms Bolivone Phafong, Head of the Garment Centre, Lao PDR
14:50-15:20 |
The honey and beekeeping projects in Zambia and Yemen: building rural households' ability to trade.
Mr Malani Simukoko, Project Manager SNV-Netherlands, Zambia Mr Kenneth Chisenga, Mpongwe Beekeeping enterprises, Zambia
Mr Osman al-Jalal, honey producer , Yemen Mr Mohammed Humaid, EIF National Coordinator, Yemen |
15:20-16:00 |
Open discussion |
Trade around the World exhibition
EIF Stories, WTO CR lobby and the WTO main entrance lobby, 1-3 October 2014