Mar 31
Digital Event
Developing production and supply capacities of medical equipment and pharmaceutical products in LDCs: The role of Aid for Trade
11:00-12:30 (CET)
Tuesday, 23 March 2021
Register here
The COVID-19 pandemic revealed the difficulty of sourcing essential medical and pharmaceutical supplies to combat the spread of the virus. LDCs have been particularly affected by the lack of protection and supply capacity. Therefore, the challenge lies in finding ways to facilitate rapid access by LDCs to the materials needed to fight pandemics. Supply also should be possible on a local or sub-regional basis. The purpose of this session is to examine the extent to which Aid for Trade can contribute to this objective.
Overview and diagram of global production and supply of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals for pandemic control
Strategy for local/sub-regional production and supply of medical equipment and pharmaceuticals for pandemic control
Possible technical assistance and capacity building measures for LDCs to produce medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, and procurement on a local/subregional basis
Mani Prasad Bhattarai - Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Nepal to the UN and WTO
- Nicaise Ndembi - Director of Laboratory Research at IHVN, Senior Science Advisor to the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (Africa-CDC)
- Spring Gombe - Programme Manager, Technology Access Partnerships at UN Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries
- Sayed Ramin Ziwary - Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Afghanistan to the WTO
- Komal Kalha, Associate Director, Intellectual Property and Trade Policy (IFPMA)
- Cécile Billaux - Head of Unit for Micro-Economic Analysis, Investment Climate, Private Sector, Trade and Employment, Directorate-General of International Partnerships (INTPA), European Commission.