EIF has provided support to identify the key constraints that have affected the integration of South Sudan into the global economy, as well as how the country can benefit from the multilateral trading system.
The programme is now helping to strengthen institutions, and developing a number of different productive sector strategies to assist the country better reap the benefits of international trade.

- The partnership between the Government of South Sudan, the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is helping to nudge the country away from dependence on oil to inclusive trade. This will not only benefit a larger share of the population, but also encourage peace.
- The EIF supported the update of South Sudan’s trade policy through a consultative process that included government ministries and agencies, academia, the private sector and development partners. It further benefited from lessons learned from peers in Rwanda and Uganda.
- The EIF supported the mainstreaming of South Sudan’s key trade strategies into the Revised National Development Strategy (2021-24) and the development of the Trade Policy Framework.
- The EIF supported the development of the "Trade for Peace and Resilience in South Sudan" study, published by UNDP in 2021. The study is designed to work alongside trade policy to ensure trade contributes to resolving conflict and promoting peace.
- To strengthen the government's ability to develop and implement trade-related policies, the EIF supported the establishment of an EIF National Implementation Unit (NIU) within the Ministry of Trade.
- The EIF helped train public officers to effectively engage at the World Trade Organization (WTO) and African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) trade negotiation tables. In 2023, the EIF supported the South Sudan National Steering Committee on WTO accession through training from the Eastern and Southern Africa Management Institute – Trade Policy Training Centre in Africa (ESAMI-trapca). The upskilling will also help South Sudan gain a foothold in trade within the East African Community (EAC).
- In 2023, with the EIF's support, The Gambia received a high-level delegation from the Republic of South Sudan to establish bilateral relationships between the two countries.
- The EIF's support has enabled the country to engage in digital trade through the launch of an e-commerce hub and training for micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) on its use.
EIF is working to support the operations and activities of the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the lead agency responsible for creating and implementating trade policy in South Sudan. This includes strengthening institutional capacities; prioritizing trade across the various sectors of the economy; coordinating and engaging stakeholders in trade development efforts; and mobilizing resources for trade and development.
Focus is also on "Trade and Peace" as an area of support , as well the country's WTO accession.