Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone

EIF is supporting Sierra Leone to identify and prioritize its competitive sectors in order to meet growth objectives – in a sustainable and inclusive manner.

Detailed analytical studies have identified potential and constraints in four priority sectors: fisheries, tourism, agriculture and trade. As a result, EIF is providing targeted support in the agricultural industry and in tourism is helping the country to rebrand.

Trading towards prosperity

Trading towards prosperity
Telling Sierra Leone's trade story

Telling Sierra Leone's trade story

EIF worked to increase Sierra Leone's ownership of trade‑related assistance and help the country to maximize benefits.


  • The Government of Sierra Leone established the Presidential Initiative on Post‑Ebola Recovery and Transition, focusing on the thematic areas of health, education, social protection and private sector development.
  • The EIF National Implementation Unit (NIU) provided technical expertise by ensuring that priorities identified in the Diagnostic Trade Integration Study Update were reflected, including access to finance, improving the business climate and support for small businesses.
  • NIU worked with a consortium of NGOs, DFID and the Ministry of Trade to help petty traders access finance.

EIF worked to support the sustainable growth of Sierra Leone's tourism sector, helping to rebrand the image of the country, create jobs and conserve the environment.


  • Developed Ecotourism Policy and Action Plan.
  • Completed Environmental and Social Impact Assessments and management plans for five ecotourism sites, and those five communities submitted proposals to the National Tourist Board for onward appraisal by the Small Grant Programme Appraisal Committee.
  • The National Tourist Board and Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, in collaboration with the private sector, hosted a press conference during ITB Berlin in March 2015, the first step to reviving Sierra Leone as a tourist destination after the Ebola outbreak. 

Supporting sustainable tourism development in…
Sierra Leone Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (…
Trading stories: Sierra Leone (2013)
Sierra Leone Diagnostic Trade Integration Study…
Sierra Leone: DFID Country Trade Profile (2013)
Sierra Leone Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (…
Sierra Leone Diagnostic Trade Integration Study…
Sierra Leone Action Matrix (2006)