

EIF is supporting Liberia to integrate trade into its government policies, as well as supporting trade‑related capacity building – and the country's accsesion to the WTO.

On Liberia's eTrade readiness

On Liberia's eTrade readiness
On diversifying Liberia's economy through tourism

On diversifying Liberia's economy through tourism

EIF is working to strengthen the country's capacity to develop and implement trade policies, prioritize trade in the national development plan and improve donor coordination.


  • All donor‑funded initiatives incorporated under one umbrella called the Single Project Implementation Unit (SPIU), operated from the Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
  • SPIU coordinated the production of the Liberia WTO Post‑Accession Strategy and Implementation Plan. Since accession, the plan remains Liberia's primary tool to continue its economic reform agenda.
  • Identified sectors of tourism and rubberwood to support Liberia’s economic transformation, and launched related export strategies with support from ITC.
  • Established one-stop showcase and sales shop for locally produced products called the Liberia Market Place to support small businesses and their market access, and promoted Liberian products at range of events.

  • The Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) provided support to Liberia’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry (MoCI) to coordinate trade-related programmes and develop new projects. This support included facilitating the long-term secondment of trade policy experts to support the country’s World Trade Organization (WTO) accession process.
  • The EIF also supported the quality enhancement and systematization of processes around stakeholder dialogue on trade-related issues across the public sector, donor community, the private sector and civil society.
  • The EIF worked with Liberia on institutional capacity‑building, as the Government of Liberia gained self-sustainability to attract donors and design projects inspired by EIF-funded projects in tourism, palm oil and e-commerce.
  • In partnership with the International Trade Centre (ITC), EIF support tapped into the significant potential of Liberia's tourism sector, spurring the development of crucial tourism infrastructure, such as in Robertsport, Grand Cape Mount County.

Liberia DTIS Update (2015)
Liberia Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS…
Liberia Rapid eTrade Readiness Assessment (2018)
Liberian National Export Strategy on Tourism (…
Country Profile: Liberia (2011)
Liberia Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS…
Liberia Action Matrix (2008)
Liberia Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP…