
Jan 3



Gambia, The

Addressing the Trade Facilitation Agreement in the context of regional trade integration and transit trade: Identifying a possible role for the Enhanced Integrated Framework

Addressing the Trade Facilitation Agreement in the context of regional trade integration and transit trade: Identifying a possible role for the Enhanced Integrated Framework                                                          

 Tuesday, 17 June 2014


08:00 - 9:00     Registration


Opening Session


09:00 - 09:10               Welcome statement by His Excellency, Mr. Minelik Alemu Getahun, Ambassador of Ethiopia, Chairman of EIF


09.10 - 09:20               Opening statement: Mr. Taffere Tesfachew, Director, UNCTAD Division for Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programmes (ALDC)


09:20 - 09.30               Opening statement: Mr. Ratnakar Adhikari, Executive Director, EIF Executive Secretariat           


09:30 - 09:40               Opening remarks by the representative of the Ministry of Trade of the Gambia


09:40: - 10:00             Coffee Break



Item 1:                  Setting the satge? 

Key challenges and implications for regional integration in West Africa                      


This session will review the transit and trade-facilitation related problems that are identified as key challenges during the DTIS update of selected West African countries and their implications for regional integration and regional trade. This will set the basis for further discussions on the role of EIF in the implementation of the recent trade facilitation agreement.  


Moderator:      Representative of the Gambian government


10:00 - 10:20               Identifying Trade facilitation and transit issues in the DTIS updating process

Stefano Inama, UNCTAD


10.20 - 10:40               Transit issues in the Trade facilitation agreement

                                    Annet Blank, Counsellor WTO


10:40 - 11:00               The regional instrument for transit and the Interstate Road Transport Agreement: A regional viewpoint



11:00 - 11:20               A practitioner’s viewpoint

Private sector representative


11:20 - 13:00               Interactive discussions


13:00 - 14.30               Lunch break


Item 2:                        Country experiences

Issues and challenges in regional integration and Trade facilitation: Lessons learned from the DTIS updating


This session is intended to provide detailed information - from a national perspective - on the challenges identified in recent DTIS updates with a focus on trade facilitation and regional trade.


Moderator:                  Mr. Ashish Shah, Director, Division of Country Programmes – International Trade Center


14:30 - 14:50              The Senegalese experience: DTIS updating process on trade facilitation and transit trade

                                    EIF Focal point or coordinator

                                    Representative from Senegal Customs  


14:50 - 15:10              The Gambian experience: DTIS updating process on trade facilitation and transit trade

                                    EIF Focal point or coordinator

                                    Representative from Gambia Customs  


15:10 -15:30               The Malian perspective: trade facilitation, transit trade and the role of DTIS process

                                    Focal point or coordinator

                                    Representative from Mali Customs  


15:30 - 16:00              Interactive discussions and comments


Moderator:                 Mrs. Luisa Bernal, UNDP office, Geneva


16:00 - 16:20              The Nigerien perspective: trade facilitation, transit trade and the DTIS process

                                    EIF Focal point or Coordinator

                                    Representative from Niger Customs  


16:20 - 16:40              The Burkina Faso DTIS action matrix: issues on trade facilitation and transit trade

                                    Focal point or coordinator

                                    Representative from Burkina Faso Customs  


16:40 – 17:00              Coffee Break


Closing Session


Item 3:            Round table: Reflections on possible contributions of EIF to the implementation of the recent Trade Facilitation Agreement and implications for regional trade and integration.

This session will explore the various options and modalities on how the EIF could develop mechanisms to assist in the implementation of  initiatives on trade facilitation, including those  identified in the action matrices of the respective countries.


Moderator:                  Mr. Ratnakar Adhikari, Directeur Exécutif du CIR


17:00 -18:00                Interactive discussions     


  • ·         UNCTAD
  • ·         Donors
  • ·         Country representatives  
  • ·         Private sector representatives
  • ·         Mr. Ashish Shah, Director, Division of Country Programmes – International Trade Center
  • ·         Mrs. Luisa Bernal, UNDP office, Geneva.






Reception hosted by UNCTAD