Impact Stories

10 October 2024 - Simon Hess
From extreme storms to coastal flooding, the least developed countries (LDCs) are disproportionately affected by the impacts of climate change. More than two-thirds of climate-related disaster fatalities worldwide have occurred in these nations. This is why environmental sustainability is a cross-cutting issue that has been central to the trade capacity-building agenda of the EIF. The environment has not only been a cross-cutting priority for the EIF since the beginning of Phase Two, but it is also embedded in the EIF's strategic plan. Moreover, an indicator has been established to ensure that impact measurement considers environmental dimensions.
27 October 2016
In Mali, the Government's commitment to inclusive growth is recognized in the Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy (2012-2017) and the Strategic Framework for Economic Recovery and Sustainable Development (2016-2018), which both give priority to the poorest people, especially women in rural areas. The EIF programme has supported this pro-poor development approach by helping to strengthen the participation of women in the shea butter, gum arabic, mango and livestock value chains. These sectors were selected, because they involve a significant number of poor people, particularly small‑scale producers and rural women.
11 May 2016
Last month the Mauritania Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) Update was launched before an audience of Government, donors, private sector and civil society representatives, as well as national media. The report, prepared by the World Bank Group with support from the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) and the Mauritanian Ministry of Trade, covers key sectors of the economy, including a macro-diagnostic of growth and trade and an analysis of fisheries, agriculture and services (ICT, transport and tourism), largely based on empirical evidence and fact-finding missions. This report is also the first of its kind to include an explicit gender perspective and link it to trade issues in Mauritania, underlining the important role played by small-scale women traders and entrepreneurs in the national economy.
6 May 2014
On 14 March 2014, Chad’s Minister for Commerce and Industry, H.E. Mr Abderahim Bireme Hamid launched the first EIF Tier 2 project in Chad. The Tier 2 project seeks to promote the gum arabic sector in Chad in view of the expanding export base that is predominately based on oil.