Mulheres e comércio

28 Maio 2024
The EIF programme has been supporting Uganda since 2009. The collaboration aims to realize the country’s trade policy vision and help Uganda better integrate into the global economy. Improved trade capacity and performance, fostered by in-country development programmes such as that of the EIF, have undoubtedly supported Uganda’s ongoing economic achievements.
28 Maio 2024
With support from the EIF, Zambia intensified its trade growth and diversification efforts directed at different levels to achieve systemic improvements. These were: first, on strengthening linkages to both the private sector and the Government around key products, such as honey; second, on building the institutional capacity of the Government and trade-related organizations, mainstreaming trade in the country’s development framework, and improving the trade regulatory environment; and third, exploring new markets for Zambian products.
28 Maio 2024
Since 2017, the EIF has focused on measures to support institutional capacity to integrate Mauritania into global trade. This has included improving coordination among agencies related to trade policy; mainstreaming trade into development strategies; implementing DTIS priorities; and strengthening dialogue and coordination between development partners through a National Trade Facilitation Committee. To deepen the economic reforms being undertaken by the Government of Mauritania, more than 780 public, private, and civil society officials were trained, with 68% of these being women.
9 Agosto 2022
Building evidence does not only happen through research and analysis; it also comes from sharing experiences. For example, EIF support has been directed to sectors in which women are predominantly engaged, so female-owned businesses can expand and access new regional and global markets. Responses to the M&E exercise indicate a wide recognition that these efforts result in strengthening women’s economic and financial independence.
15 Junho 2020
Como assegurar que as mulheres que colhem o carité beneficiem do facto de fazerem parte do mercado global
13 Dezembro 2017
O dia de Rosalie começa às 4 da manhã, amassando rolinhos de creme de coco com a filha mais velha para vender na loja comunitária local, a pouca distância da sua casa. Tal como acontece durante o resto do seu dia, começa com a colaboração. 
26 Novembro 2017
Uma das maiores plantações de manga do Senegal é dirigida por uma mulher, um indicador positivo do futuro promissor deste setor de crescimento. 
21 Dezembro 2016
Conheça uma jovem mulher do Camboja que recebeu formação em produção de seda através de um projeto do QIR
17 Novembro 2015
Chandra e as 25 colegas da sua associação de mulheres fazem uma pausa do trabalho do dia para uma reunião sobre as perspetivas da sua produção de gengibre e a intensa concorrência de mercado que enfrentam por parte do gengibre com valor acrescentado da Índia.