
6 Junho 2024
Since beginning its partnership with the Government of the Union of Comoros in 2011, the Enhanced Integrated Framework (EIF) has provided around USD 7.4 million in funding – a significant proportion of the total average of USD 40 million in Aid for Trade (AfT) from various partners between 2008 and 2019. The EIF also contributed to increased AfT from other development partners, helping to finance 18 priority areas identified by the Government's Medium-Term Plan for Trade Integration for Comoros (2012-2015) and within the framework of the island's Growth and Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper 2010-2014 (DSRP). This was achieved through a multi-donor roundtable organized by the Government through the NIU and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and with the support of France as the donor facilitator.
28 Maio 2024
The EIF programme has been supporting Uganda since 2009. The collaboration aims to realize the country’s trade policy vision and help Uganda better integrate into the global economy. Improved trade capacity and performance, fostered by in-country development programmes such as that of the EIF, have undoubtedly supported Uganda’s ongoing economic achievements.
28 Maio 2024
With support from the EIF, Zambia intensified its trade growth and diversification efforts directed at different levels to achieve systemic improvements. These were: first, on strengthening linkages to both the private sector and the Government around key products, such as honey; second, on building the institutional capacity of the Government and trade-related organizations, mainstreaming trade in the country’s development framework, and improving the trade regulatory environment; and third, exploring new markets for Zambian products.
28 Maio 2024
The first Diagnostic Trade Integration Study (DTIS) in 2003 identified a range of challenges facing the country, including lack of capacity in understanding and analysing international trade policies; low productive capacity in the agricultural sector; lack of standards in both the public and private sectors; and poor infrastructure in the processing, marketing and transport sectors. Three projects followed in the years between 2004 to 2008, focusing on trade negotiations, trade policy and statistics.
9 Agosto 2018
Os agricultores do Malawi têm vindo a cultivar novas culturas com a colaboração da Associação Nacional de Pequenos Agricultores do Malawi, apoiados pelo Governo do país e pelo QIR
9 Agosto 2018
A Gâmbia tem vindo a melhorar a sua cadeia de abastecimento a fim de reforçar o comércio no país.
24 Julho 2018
O ylang-ylang, a baunilha e o cravinho que crescem nas Comores estão a ser utilizados para impulsionar o crescimento económico, liderado por jovens empresários
13 Fevereiro 2018
O setor do caju do Burquina Faso foi remodelado num esforço considerado de prioridade nacional
24 Janeiro 2018
Duas dúzias de mulheres do Benim que produzem um tipo único de farinha de mandioca adotaram um novo código de conduta para comercializar melhor o seu produto e aumentar os rendimentos  
23 Janeiro 2018
O projeto reforça as cadeias de valor da baunilha, do alho e do ylang-ylang na União das Comores
26 Novembro 2017
Uma das maiores plantações de manga do Senegal é dirigida por uma mulher, um indicador positivo do futuro promissor deste setor de crescimento. 
17 Novembro 2015
Chandra e as 25 colegas da sua associação de mulheres fazem uma pausa do trabalho do dia para uma reunião sobre as perspetivas da sua produção de gengibre e a intensa concorrência de mercado que enfrentam por parte do gengibre com valor acrescentado da Índia.