Oct 24
Phnom Penh
WHEN: October 24, 2016, Time: 8:00 am – 5:00pm, Where: Sokha Hotel, Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Phnom Penh – The Ministry of Commerce and the Enhanced Integrated Framework Partnership (EIF) will organize a dissemination workshop on “the results and success of EIF Programme in Cambodia: New Approach to Sustainable Institutions and Healthy Export Markets” on October 24, 2016, at Sokha Hotel, Phnom Penh.
This event will be an opportunity to witness the results that the EIF, a unique capacity development partnership in the trade sector has brought to Cambodia since its inception in 2009. What has been its impact on poverty reduction through increased revenue for silk and rice sectors and women empowerment, and as results, how new jobs have been created. H.E. Pan Sorasak, Minister for Ministry of Commerce, the lead agency for the EIF programme in Cambodia will open the workshop, and all participants will be able to hear first-hand accounts from Cambodia’s private operators and beneficiaries in the silk and rice sectors on Cambodia’s increasing competitiveness in niche markets.
During the event, an exhibition will feature high value silk products and milled rice products made in Cambodia, by a range of producers and beneficiaries of the EIF programme.
Since 2008, Ministry of Commerce has successfully implemented Cambodia Diagnostic Trade Integration Strategy (DTIS) and the updated Cambodia Trade Integration Strategy (CTIS 2014-2018) Road Maps through Capacity building programme for government institutions and private sector, and spearheaded the Cambodia Export Diversification and Expansion Programme Phase I (CEDEP I) enhancing exports of high value silk, milled rice in line with Cambodia’s Trade Sector Wide Approach (Trade SWAp). Using the EIF funded programmes, MoC helped ensure major challenges faced by Cambodian silk companies and milled rice exporters were addressed timely and effectively. Those included skill gaps in product design, complexity of export procedures, insufficient capacity for export, and difficulty to meet international standards.
Independent evaluations of the EIF programme in Cambodia concluded that the top three results having more lasting impact on poverty reduction and contributing most to sustainable growth were: (1) partnership approach, which capacity in Government line ministries built through a strong coordination platform for trade development agenda; (2) country ownership, which a strong political will and commitment of Cambodia to manage trade and development agenda; and (3) sustainable development through the support provided to the Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF) and the Silk Development Committee (SDC).
As a result of MoC’s intervention with EIF funded support, it is reported that, for silk sector, the monthly average income from silk weaving increased by 100% from 2012 to 2014 among the enterprises participating in the project. These 14 project beneficiary companies created 88 new jobs, developed 127 new silk designs and increased exports of Cambodian silk products by 73% since 2012.
For milled rice, Cambodian rice millers have successfully upgraded their ability to comply with export requirements by meeting quantities, quality and SPS standards, as major milled rice exporters received HACCP. In compliance with international standards, the EIF-funded project facilitated US$ 100 million of rice exports during the project implementation– 50% of which is fragrant rice, that contributed to Cambodian rice being awarded the World’s Best Rice Award for three consecutive years in 2012, 2013, and 2014.
The two EIF flagship projects, namely the EIF Tier 1 institutional capacity building project and the EIF Tier 2 Cambodia Export Diversification and Expansion Programme (CEDEP) were approved by EIF Board in 2012, and implemented by MoC in partnership with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) for the rice sector and the International Trade Centre (ITC) for the silk sector. The projects were designed to enhance the national capacity to formulate, implement, manage and monitor a pro poor trade policy that is consistent with country’s NSDP, and is also designed to support the priority sectors of high value silk and milled rice. The Ministry of Commerce, based on the successful results, already launched a sister programme in 2014 –CEDEP II- to increase exports of cassava, marine fisheries products and enhance skills in the hospitality sector.
Mr. Chhieng Pich, Director for Department of International Cooperation/TDSP & EIF
Mobile: (855) 92-62-9993 | Email: chhiengpich@gmail.com | www.moc.gov.kh/tradeswap | Skype: chhieng.pich
Lot 19-16, MoC road (113B) | Phum Teuk Thla | Sangkat Teuk Thla | Khan Sen Sok | Phnom Penh 12102 | Cambodia
Mr. Chuon El, Communication Specialist
|Trade SWAp, EIF, and TDSP Secretariat |Dept. International Cooperation |
Ministry of Commerce |Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia|
Tel.+855 (0) 23 866 064 | H/P: +855 (0) 12 718 174 |
Email: elchuon@gmail.com